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Leafy Greens Recipes

fullplateapprovedrecipes recipe
kale lentil soup

Leafy greens are packed with vitamins A, C, and K, several B vitamins, and potassium. They also contain fiber and are low in calories, which makes them a great addition to almost any meal. This week, we're sharing five recipes to help you add more greens to your cooking routine.

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Black Bean Spinach Enchiladas

Make it a Full Plate Meal: Serve two enchiladas with a side of spinach, tomato sauté and fresh mango.

75% water-fiber foods – spinach, black beans, onions, corn, cilantro, avocado, spinach, tomato, mango
25% foods – tortillas, enchilada sauce

Lentil Kale Soup

Make it a Full Plate Meal: Serve this soup with your favorite 25% zone whole grain – a pita, a slice of crusty bread, or the crackers in your pantry.

75%water-fiber foods – onion, garlic, sweet potato, carrots, celery, green lentils, red lentils, kale
25% foods – pita/bread/crackers

Italian Broccoli Millet

Make it a Full Plate Meal: Serve your bowl with raspberries for a refreshing lunch or dinner. Use broccoli if you cannot source broccolini for this recipe.

75% water-fiber foods – red onion, bell pepper, garlic, broccolini, cannellini beans, frozen peas, millet, raspberries
25% foods – dressing

Shredded Brussels Sprouts with Smashed Potatoes

Make it a Full Plate Meal: Serve this meal as directed in the recipe.

75% water-fiber foods – Brussels sprouts, potatoes, chickpeas, shallots, parsley, avocado
25% foods – dressing, olive oil

Recipe Note: Bake chickpeas for only 15 minutes to ensure they retain water and remain a 75% zone food.

Spaghetti Squash with Garlicky Collard Greens

Make it a Full Plate Meal: Serve your spaghetti squash with your favorite 25% grilled food - chicken, fish, or tofu would all work well.

75% water-fiber foods –spaghetti squash, garlic, onion, collard greens
25% foods – chicken/fish/tofu, parmesan cheese

👉 Water-fiber foods are 75% zone foods – whole, unprocessed fruits, vegetables, beans and cooked whole grains. 

Full Plate Living is a small-step approach with big health outcomes. It's provided as a free service of Ardmore Institute of Health.

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