Strawberry Recipes

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Due to their low carb count and fiber make up, strawberries are considered a low glycemic index food, making them an ideal fruit for people with diabetes. Check out these 5 creative ways to enjoy more strawberries. 

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Strawberry Salsa

Make it a Full Plate Meal: Serve your salsa on top of a black bean burrito - a fun twist on this Cinco de Mayo meal.

75% fiber foods – strawberries, cucumbers, red onion, jalapeño, cilantro, black beans, corn, brown rice, green onions, guacamole, salsa, lettuce
25% foods – olive oil, tortillas, sour cream, shredded cheese

Recipe Note: Use just 1 tablespoon of low-fat or plant-based sour cream per burrito to keep the saturated fat low in this meal.

Strawberry NiceCream

Make it a Full Plate Meal: This is the perfect dessert for lunch this weekend.

75% fiber foods – strawberries, banana
25% foods – unsweetened plant milk

Strawberry Oatmeal

Make it a Full Plate Meal: Plate your oatmeal as directed in the recipe.

75% fiber foods – rolled oats, steel cut oats, fresh strawberries
25% foods – low fat milk, chia seeds, protein powder

Recipe Note: Skip the optional protein powder to keep the 25% items in their portion of the plate.

Berry White Bean Smoothie

Make it a Full Plate Meal: Sip on this smoothie for lunch or breakfast.

75% fiber foods – strawberries, blueberries, banana, white beans, cauliflower
25% foods – unsweetened plant milk, protein powder (optional), chia/hemp seeds

Recipe Note: Skip the optional protein powder to keep 25% items in their place.

Strawberry, Avocado, Spinach Salad

Make it a Full Plate Meal: Use this salad to Power Up spaghetti meatball night (use lentil spaghetti to keep it a 75% food). Steamed broccoli would finish off the meal.

75% fiber foods – spinach, strawberries, avocado, red onion, lentil spaghetti, steamed broccoli
25% foods – dressing, blue cheese, almonds, meatballs

Recipe Note: Be mindful of the amount of 25% plate foods to ensure they remain in just a quarter of your plate.

Full Plate Living is a small-step approach with big health outcomes. It's provided as a free service of Ardmore Institute of Health.

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