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White Bean Recipes

fullplateapprovedrecipes recipe
White bean stew with veggies

There is quite a variety of beans available on the market, and this week, we're sharing how to add more white beans to your menu.

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Sweet Potatoes with White Beans and Olives

Make it a Full Plate Meal: Double up on the beans and veggies to keep this meal in a 75% range. Peach nice cream would be fantastic for dessert.

75% water-fiber foods – sweet potato, cannellini beans, olives, tomatoes, parsley, chives, salad greens, peaches, bananas
25% foods – oil, tahini, sunflower seeds, almonds

White Bean Avocado Toast

Make it a Full Plate Meal:  Enjoy a slice of white bean avocado toast with a banana for dessert.

75%water-fiber foods – beans, avocado, tomatoes, banana
25% foods – whole wheat bread

Tomato and White Bean Casserole

Make it a Full Plate Meal: Serve your casserole with a Greek salad and frozen berries for dessert.

75% water-fiber foods – tomatoes, garlic, shallots, thyme, beans, parsley, basil, romaine lettuce, cucumber, olives, red onion, berries
25% foods – bread, cashews, olive oil, feta

Recipe Note: Knowing which part of the plate a casserole belongs in can be tricky. This recipe will fill some of the plate's 75% and 25% zones. Filling the rest of your plate with 75% foods like veggies and fruit is always a good idea.

White Bean Tabbouleh Salad

Make it a Full Plate Meal: Soak and cook 1 cup of bulgur according to package directions and add it to the salad to make it a complete lunch. Pack fresh watermelon for a deliciously sweet treat.

75% water-fiber foods – white beans, tomatoes, cucumber, onion, parsley, mint, bulgur wheat, watermelon
25% foods – dressing

Spaghetti Pomodoro with Kale and White Beans

Make it a Full Plate Meal: Serve your spaghetti pomodoro with a side of steamed broccoli for a lovely 75% meal.

75% water-fiber foods – garlic, mushrooms, shallots, kale, tomatoes, white beans, basil, broccoli
25% foods – pasta, butter, breadcrumbs, oil, pancetta

Recipe Note: Use only one tablespoon of oil for the breadcrumbs. Skip the butter and use mushrooms instead of the pancetta since they are a 75% food and pancetta is not. This will ensure that 25% items remain in their zone.

👉 Water-fiber foods are 75% zone foods – whole, unprocessed fruits, vegetables, beans, and cooked whole grains. 

Full Plate Living is a small-step approach with big health outcomes. It's provided as a free service of Ardmore Institute of Health.

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